Guangdong Cuisine
Guangdong Cuisine takes fine and rare ingredients and is cooked with polished skills and in a dainty style. It emphasizes a flavor which is clear but not light, refreshing but not common, tender but not crude. In summer and autumn it pursues clarity and in winter and spring, a little more substance. The sauteed dishes always rely upon exquisite presentat ion involving cutting and carving skills. Typical menu here can ultimately embody these characteristics: Chrysanthemum fish - chefs with adept cutting techniques shape the fish like chrysanthemums, each individual morsel being convenient to enjoy with either chopsticks or forks.
Braised Snake porridge - choose rare meat of cobra, grimalkin, and pullet, braised elaborately, also called 'Dragon and phoenix contending' (Long Feng Dou).
Roast suckling pig - a famed dish with rather long history, golden and crisp exterior, and tender meat, with dense aroma.
广东菜讲究用那些上好的、半熟的作料,同时也很注重菜式的嫩滑与色泽。不仅如此, 广东菜在做法上也很挑剔,很有讲究。它讲究清而不淡,鲜而不俗,嫩而不生。夏秋偏重清淡,冬春偏重浓郁。爆炒的小菜主要依赖于炒锅的高温,还有切菜和雕菜的刀功。以下这些特色菜最能体现这些特点: 做菊花鱼的厨子以其娴熟的刀功将鱼改成小菊花形,如此一改,能一口一块,用筷子及刀叉食用都很方便。