Loving you is beyond my control
歌曲简介The Synopsis of the Song
该首歌是由台湾歌手庾澄庆演唱,也是2002年台湾热播偶像剧《流星花园》的片头曲。它描述了初次见到心爱的女孩时怦然心动却又紧张的心情,其旋律浪漫优美,让人陶醉。2014年央视马年春节联欢晚会,台湾歌手庾澄庆与韩国歌手李敏镐共同演绎歌曲《情非得已》。 This is a song called qingfeideyi by a Taiwan singer Yuchengqin. It describes the feeling of the first time to meet the beloved girl. With the beautiful and romantic rythem, it became well known as the theme song in the popular TV serial "Liuxing huayuan"(Meteor Garden) in 2002 . In 2014, it was played by Yuchengqin and Korean singer Lee Min Ho at Spring Festival Gala 2014
难以忘记初次见你 nán yǐ wàngjì chūcì jiàn nǐ 一双迷人的眼睛 yī shuāng mírén de yǎnjīng 在我脑海里你的身影 挥散不去 zài wǒ nǎohǎi lǐ nǐ de shēnyǐng huī sàn bù qù 握你的双手感觉你的温柔 wò nǐ de shuāngshǒu gǎnjué nǐ de wēnróu 真的有点透不过气 zhēn de yǒu diǎn tòu bù guò qì 你的天真我想珍惜 nǐ de tiānzhēn wǒ xiǎng zhēnxī 看到你受委屈我会伤心 kàn dào nǐ shòu wěiqū wǒ huì shāngxīn 只怕我自己会爱上你 zhǐ pà wǒ zì jǐ huì ài shàng nǐ 不敢让自己靠的太近 bù gǎn ràng zìjǐ kào de tài jìn 怕我没什么能够给你 pà wǒ méi shén me nénggòu gěi nǐ 爱你也需要很大的勇气 ài nǐ yě xūyào hěn dà de yǒngqì 只怕我自己会爱上你 zhǐ pà wǒ zì jǐ huì ài shàng nǐ 也许有天会情不自禁 yěxǔ yǒu tiān huì qíngbùzìjīn 想念只让自己苦了自己 xiǎngniàn zhī ràng zì jǐ kǔ le zì jǐ 爱上你是我情非得已 ài shàng nǐ shì wǒ qíngfēiděiyǐ
什么原因 shén me yuányīn 我竟然又会遇见你 wǒ jìng rán yòu huì yùjiàn nǐ 我真的真的不愿意 wǒ zhēn dí zhēn de bù yuànyì 就这样陷入爱的陷阱 jiù zhè yàng xiàn rù ài de xiànjǐng 只怕我自己会爱上你 zhǐ pà wǒ zì jǐ huì ài shàng nǐ 不敢让自己靠的太近 bù gǎn ràng zì jǐ kào de tài jìn ……
爱上你是我情非得已 ài shàng nǐ shì wǒ qíngfēiděiyǐ
Hard to forget the first time to meet you A pair of beautiful eyes In my mind Your shadow is always haunting around Holding your hands and feeling your tenderness Makes me breathless I want to cherish your innocence I will be sad to see you are wronged I'm afraid I 'll fall in love with you Afraid to get too close to you Afraid I have nothing to give you Loving you also needs a lot of courage I'm afraid I 'll fall in love with you Maybe one day i can’t help Missing only makes me feel worse Falling in love with you is beyond my control
What is the reason I meet you again I really really do not want to fall into the trap of love like this I'm afraid I 'll fall in love with you Afraid to get too close to you ... Falling in love with you is beyond my control
初次 (副adv) chū cì first time 迷人的 (形adj) mí rén de charming 脑海 (名N) nǎo hǎi mind 温柔 (形adj) wēn róu soft/gentle 珍惜 (动 V) zhēn xī to treasure 委屈 (形adj) wěi qū feel wronged 陷阱 (名N) xiàn jǐng trap 勇气 (名N) yǒng qì courage 情不自禁 (副 adv) qíng bù zì jīn can’t help oneself
词语链 Word Chain
有点 有点生气 有点伤心 肚子有点痛 珍惜 珍惜时间 珍惜青春 珍惜友谊 竟然 竟然下雨了 他竟然来了 树竟然活了 情不自禁 情不自禁地笑了 情不自禁地哭了
语言点 Grammatical Key Points
1.一双迷人的眼睛 数量词+ 形容词+名词), 描述事物/人。(measure word+adj+Nounto describe someone or something ) Eg. 两座雄伟的山峰 三个可爱的小姑娘 四张珍稀的邮票
2.只怕……+句子(害怕、担心的内容),表示担忧、遗憾、害怕。(只怕+sentence usually something you are afraid or worry about, to express your concern). Eg. 只怕我再也回不去了。 只怕过河的桥已经断了。
注释 Notes
爱上你是我情非得已 It means the girl is so nice and i dare not to love her because i am so afraid that i can’t give her the happiness. But one day i met her again and i totally fall in love and this time is beyond my control.
练习 Exercise
一、请给下面的汉字标上拼音并正确朗读。Write down the "Pinyin" of the following words, and read them correctly.
初次() 迷人的() 眼睛() 爱() 勇气()
二、把下列词语连成一个句子。 Put the following words into a sentence. 1. 双胞胎 淘气的 一对 2. 公园 很多 花 漂亮的 有 |