关中皮影 Guanzhong Shadow Play
中国皮影戏作为一种民间艺术,拥有悠久的历史,曾在中国29个省市流行。皮影戏有点像电影,因为它也需要屏幕、演员。但是皮影戏又有它的独特性。皮影所需要的演员是用牛皮制作的皮影人形,这些人形由一个人控制着,并用光将它们反射到幕布上,观众坐在另一侧欣赏演出。在这些皮影表演的同时,会加入乐器的演奏和戏剧的唱腔。据说中国的皮影戏是世界电影最早的雏形,同时也是现代电影的基础。 毫无疑问关中皮影是中国皮影的代表。关中皮影流行于陕西 、甘肃地区,经常在庙会、婚礼、生日、葬礼等场合演出。皮影是用来娱神驱邪的,人们希望通过皮影戏的演出来获得神的保佑。尽管皮影戏是演给神看的,实际上人才是真正享受这种艺术的。皮影戏一般在农闲时节演出,农民在皮影戏的演出中获得休息与丰收的希望。一般皮影戏的剧目是中国历史故事和神话故事,因而皮影戏是非常热闹的,一开场就能吸引大量观众。这些年,皮影人形以其的精致与逼真成为了收藏品。皮影戏与皮影人形都是中国文化的一部分,深受国外人的喜爱。 
As a form of Folk art, Chinese shadow play has a long history and was once popular in 29 provinces. Chinese shadow play is somewhat like film which also needs screen, “actor”, “actress”, but shadow play has its own unique feature that makes it different from film. The “actors”, “actresses” in a shadow play are not real persons but figures made of cow leather. Being controlled by someone these figures are reflected on the screen. Audiences watch the play on the other side of the screen. When the play goes on, someone plays the instrument and someone sings the opera. It is said that Chinese shadow play is the earliest form of film and is the basis of the original film. There is no doubt that Guanzhong shadow play is the very representative of Chinese shadow play. Popular with the people in the Shanxi province and Gansu province, Guanzhong shadow play is still performed during the temple fairs, wedding ceremony, birth and funeral ceremonies, etc. Entertaining gods is the purpose of shadow play which will make gods pleased with the people who pay for the play and will bless them for peace, wealth, health and happiness. Although the play is for gods, the real one who enjoys the play is actually the audience. The plays are usually performed during the slack season, while peasants are in a break and wishing for the harvest. The content of the play is usually about Chinese historical stories and myths, so the shadow play is very lively and once started it will attract lots of people. These years shadow figures is becoming a kind of delicate and vivid collection. Both shadow play and shadow figures are a part of Chinese culture and are also loved by foreigners.
