Anshun local drama
安顺地戏,俗称“跳神”,是流行于贵州省安顺市的地方戏。春节期间,在村前寨后,田间地头,地戏演员们额顶面具,面蒙青纱,背扎靠旗,在高亢的唱腔和锣鼓声中挥动兵器,格斗起舞,表演自己喜欢的古代战争故事。地戏是屯堡人钟爱的一种充满人性和神性的古朴、原始的民间戏剧,是一个打造在屯堡人精神文化生活主体上的美丽烙印。在斗转星移的漫长六百年中,它为丰富农村文化,支撑屯堡人离乡背井的怀旧心态和寻求生存的精神依托上起过积极的作用。而今天,地戏却以民间艺术顽强的艺术内聚力和板结性,为中国戏剧发展史提供了寻径探幽的活材料,因而被誉为“中国戏剧活化石”。 Anshun local drama, also known as Tiaoshen (dancing to the god), is popular in Anshun, Anhui Province. In Chinese spring festival, you can see players of Anshun local drama wearing masks and muslins, fighting, dancing, waving weapons, performing their favorite ancient war stories in the high-pitched singing and drum music everywhere in the local village. Anshun local drama is a kind of folk primitive performance full of humanity and worship for god, exerting great impact on the spiritual aspects of the local people. During the past 600 years, it has played a significant role in enriching people's life and comforting and supporting the local people spiritually. Today, Anshun local drama is renowned as “living fossil of Chinese drama” for it provides abundant resources for research on development of Chinese drama. .